April Madness

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I know it's traditionally March madness, but it feels like April is already kicking my butt.
It's been a long week.
Just a really long week.
My guess is that working in retail has just tired me out. Easter Sunday was this past weekend and people were scurrying to prepare for the holiday.
I have two websites that are currently being formatted.
I'm working on crafts for my first craft fair.
I've been thrift shopping and have some neat projects on the way.
We're apartment hunting (oh joy).
Spring cleaning.
Honestly I just feel swamped.
Any of my free time has been dedicated to binge watching Grey's Anatomy (which by the way I didn't think I would like but I ended up loving).
But this is me telling all of you out there that I'm still here and working on making my blog better!
I hope you had a Happy Easter everyone and hopefully you all got to spend it with family rather than working like Chris and myself.
Keep reading and let me know if I'm not the only one getting my tail handed to me by April so far.


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