Diy Nail Polish Remover and Review

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I'm 24 and I still haven't found the perfect topcoat to keep my nails from chipping. So often times I paint them and a couple days later most of the polish is gone. Sometimes it takes less than a couple days. Unfortunately for me I find the best polishes to be of the glitter variety (which is horrible to remove).
So this is when I turn to my handy dandy friend Pinterest to find methods to removing my polish.  I found one pin that actually does not send me to an actual page, but the picture was pretty self explanatory. Here is a link to the pin on my Pinterest page if you are curious.
First thing I did was gather up my materials. Since I don't have a kid, my boyfriend picked out a fruity baby food and "cleaned" the jar out for me. I got the pack of sponges from the dollar store. I got a little eager and cut the green scrubby parts off before I had the chance to take a picture of it. The nail polish is just some generic brand that I bought for a dollar. And then of course my scissors to cut my sponge.

Next thing I did was paint my nails. It is summer time and I wanted something bright so I chose pink. Now I wanted some chunkier polish to test this out with as well. I didn't have glitter that matched but I had a polish with polka-dotted sequins in it. Then I covered my nails with my faulty top coat. Here is a picture of my nails after I painted them

   and then here they are a week  later.

Now here is the fun part. I cut up my sponge into vertical strips and then shoved them down in jar, still keeping them vertical.

The picture was rather unclear on how much nail polish remover to add to the jar so I just filled the jar half way. The sponge absorbed a lot of the liquid.

I added my own little label to the jar (which i will probably change at a later point), and voila!  That took minutes to complete!

Here's the real test. To use this jar all you do is put your fingers down in between the sponge pieces and turn your fingers. I found that the regular nail polish was difficult to remove and the chunkier nail polish was almost impossible to remove. It turns out that I used too much nail polish remover. I ended up using two sponges to make up for the amount of nail polish remover I put in there. Here are my results. 

Less nail polish remover and one more sponge is my recommendation. Without making those changes first, it was more like having reusable cotton balls to clean your polish, which wasn't bad either. Overall, this is something that I would continue to use with appropriate changes made, but this method also helps me save money on cotton balls, so it isn't all bad. 

How do you keep your nails from chipping and what methods do you use to remove stubborn nail polish? Leave your answers in the comments below and keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! It has to be cheaper than the store version. Now I have to figure out how to dip my toes in it!
